Home > Relay 6.5 > Callis

by Carrie Schutrick

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Dojéletika nazlohérenika késowéjena luzul alráku’. Dojélet di cafip!
Kovéret nan tusub tir! Lohérenika tolévet notéy nutuy, má hoqétenuika
bazukuc naz koqétenuika. Vojéxenuika, dojélenuij di cafip.

Sozékenuika jamik almánus.

Rodétenuika séna lai hozécenuika séna. Vobépenika hazic bil istinhazic
bil; vobépenika istinhazic bil hazic bil. Noqébenuaku séna zukuz
cafip, kogéjetij nuy nel. Dojéletika di Faqiz bil alzákuc.

Cozéyenij Faqiz bil alzákuc are? Toléyenika foyéjenu bazukuc. Ade
botékinika nuy, sowéjenuij inxáwup; jopélinij nuy; isdigmoméjenuij di
jalij bil, kis ko?égenika séna kogéjet gahil.

Hoqézinij, kis botékinij zukuc bil. Cozéyerika séna palic bil naz
dojéletika. Xosécetika.


You think seven curses should cause pain . Think of food! Care for
your brothers! You should want to feed people, but many of them say
they hunger. Dreaming, they all think of food.

They listen to a smart man.

They are neither united nor real; the real is in the unreal and the
unreal is in the real. If people have no food, you give it to them. 
You think of the god of the people.

Who is the god of the people? Many would like to know. When he’s with
them, soon enough they suffer; he injures them; they drown in the rain,
and you cannot give aid.

He is here, and not with the people. I’m not what you think I am. You
are foolish.


Calis is a Semitic-inspired language that uses triconconsonontal roots
as the basis of its morphology.

I sent Irina a bunch more stuff about the grammar, and then forgot I
wouldn't have a copy once I sent it to her; I'll type it again if you
need it. Anyway, here's my glossary as it was sent and the notes I
expanded into full explainations for her.

Imp uses pronoun ending but no tense marker
Adj and poss. pronouns follow the noun.
Object of a modal immediately follows the modal, modal 3rd sing but
main verb for subj.
Bare verb w/no endings is infinitive
kéCoCéC-to cause to verb
CuCuC-plural noun
baCaCiC-a lot of noun, a large noun
iCCiC-first part of compound word (second part uses reg formation for
that part of speech)

ade-particle: when
-aku-verbal suffix: pres undef subj
are-particle: who
bil-definite article
btk-root: with, near, accompanying
cfp-root: food, eating
czy-root: to be
di-prep: of
djl-root: thought, mental activity
eh-particle: ah, well, so, aha
-en-verbal suffix: 3rd sing neuter/epicene
-enu-verbal suffix: 3rd plural neuter/epicene
-er-verbal suffix: 1st sing
-et-verbal suffix: 2nd sing
fqz-root: deity
fyj-root: knowledge
ghl-root: aid, help, assistance
hqt-root: saying, speaking, telling
hqz-root: here, present, in this place
hzc-root: reality, existance
-ika-verbal suffix: pres undef ind
-ij-verbal suffix: pres specific
-in-verbal suffix: 3rd sing masc
jpl-root: injury, harm
kgj-root: giving
kis-conj: and
kqt-root: hunger
kvr-root: caring, tending, watching over
k?g-root: abilty, to be able to, can
lai-conj: or/nor
lhr-root: should, to be supposed to be
lzl-root: curse, malediction
má-conj: but
nan-prep: for
naz-relative clause marker (‘that’, as in “The door that I opened is
nel-pronoun: 3rd sing
neq…lai- conj. phrase: either…or/neither…nor
nty-root: giving
nuy-pronoun: 3rd plur
plc-root: type, kind
rdt-root: one, unity
rk’-root: seven
sená-particle: negative
stn-root: negative, negation
swj-root: pain, suffering
szk-heed, pay attention to, attend 
tir-pronoun: 2nd sing possessive
tlv-root: wanting, desiring
tsb-root: brother
vbp-root: inside
xwp-root: soon, presently
zkc-root: person, human, as distinct from animal