by Natalia Laurila
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How it turned out in English
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Efrunnos lhostanai nong uvkarur, vafnad.
Bih vifnah!
Qer'uikij vofnuh!
Qerra bethinij kur sattah bathih,
daspo mirtei, lasar vifinnij amrur.
San san bhunur, taibih kuhur, vifinnesi sontur.
Vavur nao, sayaher nabao,
Oudri gonolhe,
Gana oudrelhe.
At giniddij bih nof, nin bathih,
baitaigindij nan vifnah.
Visvijati gindi othe?
Vicjai satur svamih.
Nasgi korco naanhe, nas uvkai; xahar naanhe;
rifai, nas banu ganoi lojih,
nas nao, basarra munzijs nabao.
Mam vifgidrei nao. Srasvadno ahhe.
You think that seven curses have to hurt.
Think of food!
Take care of your siblings!
You have to want to give gifts,
but people say thoughts eat a lot.
They dream of a man, concentrating on him as food,
protecting a thought of him.
They don't unify, neither they are true.
There is some real in unreality,
some unreal in reality.
These people have no food, give it to them,
and think of them as persons.
Which person is God?
The crowd of people wants to know that.
When they are with him, he is hurt; they are dangerous;
It is raining, he cannot be saved here,
not him, nor his dear ones.
They don't give any thoughts to me. I am stupid.
VOCABULARY of INDEPENDENT WORDS in alphabetical order:
ah - I
ai - ah; argh
at - this; these
avkuhu - to hurt
banu - here
bathih - to give
bethin - a gift
bih - food; a meal
daspo - but; however
efrunno - unavoidable
gana - unreal
gindi - a person; an intelligent humanoid being; singular of "people"
gonah - to be impossible; not to be
gonol - unreality
imrah - to eat
kohuh - to think of; to meditate; to concentrate
korco - when; while
kur - must; have to
lasar - a lot; many
lhostan - a curse
lojih - to save
mam - me
mirtei - people say
munzi - a person that is important, dear and close
nabao - neither
naan - they
nan - them
nao - no
nas - him
nin - to them
nof - nothing
nong - seven
othu - who
oudrel - the reality
oudri - real
qer - your
qerra - you have
rafihi - to fall down as rain
san - a male person; a man
san san - a man, who/whom...
santoh - to protect; to keep in safe
sarra - his; her
sattah - to want
saya - the truth
srasvadno - stupid
svamih - to know
uiki - a sibling
vicjai - crowd of people
vifgedrih - to give a thought to someone; to pay attention to one's feelings
vifin - a thought
vifnah - to think
Visvijati - Taylor of the Universe; God
vivah - to unify; to join in one
vofnuh - to take care of
xahar - dangerous
(note that sometimes the suffixes eat the end of the noun they are attached
ba- and (when the next vowel/diphtong is a)
bai- = and (when the next vowel/diphtong is ai)
-gi = with; close to
-he = to be
-her = to be in 3rd person plural
-nesi = of him
-s = the accusative mark
tai- = like; as
(Oh yes, all the words you need ARE in this vocabulary! But they are in
their basic forms, so you must learn to conjugate and inflect them to find
them :) All right, I give you a hint. What matters in mango is the consonant
root. No matter which vowels there are, mostly all words that have the same
consonants mean similar things. As you can see, all words with the consonant
root g-n mean something unreal and impossible, for example. So if you don't
understand the grammar, you can always check out the consonants :D and find
which uninflected / unconjugated word is the closest one to the word you are
looking for!)
THE GRAMMAR that you need
- The word order of Mango language is Object-Subject-Verb ('you I love' = 'I
love you'). Possessive pronouns are placed before the object, and negations
are the very last things in the sentence. All the rest is placed between the
object and the subject. Adjectives come before the subject they are
referring to, and numerals after their subject.
- The plural is formed with a diphtong that ends to /i/. The diphtong begins
with a vowel similar to the last vowel of the noun. If the word ends to /i/,
it stretches. Like this:
lhostan - a curse, lhostanai - curses
san - a man, sanai - men
uiki - a sibling, uikij - siblings (note that Mango j is pronunced as
English y)
Note that when a word ends to a consonant and gets a suffix, it often also
acts like in plural. It gets an extra vowel:
Maik - Mike, Maikaij - many Mikes, Maikais - accusative of Mike
- The genetive can sometimes be a bit complicated. The last consonant of the
word is doubled, and the word may get an extra syllable or to. Again some
extra vowel are added:
lello -> lelello - a monkey has
Maik -> Majikki - Mike has
san -> sanna - a man has
pakli -> pakalli - a camel has
khanuli -> khanulli - a tiger has
gindi -> giniddi - a person has
- Verbs appear in two classes. First class verbs (most verbs) conjugate like
turgoh - to be able to
turuggo - I'm able to
torgod - you're able to (singular)
torgui - she's able to
turgo - he's able to
turgon - we're able to
torgon - you're able to (plural)
torgur - they're able to
prijuh - to fall in love
priju - I fall in love
prujud - you fall in love (singular)
pruji - she falls in love
priju - he falls in love
prijun - we fall in love
prujun - you fall in love (plural)
prujur - they fall in love
The second class verbs can be recognized easily: there is a double consonant
in them. They conjugate this way:
dharrah - to follow
dhararra - I follow
dharad - you follow (sing.)
dharrai - she follows
dharra - he follows
dharran - we follow
dharan - you follow (pl.)
dharur - they follow
biddih - to cry
bididdi - I cry
bidid - you cry (sing.)
biddi - she cries
biddi - he cries
biddin - we cry
bidin - you cry (pl.)
bidur - they cry
- The basic form of the verbs, which is used in the vocabulary, is also the
- When the 3rd sing. feminine verb appears alone, it is the passive. Like
Maikais dharrai - Mike is followed by unknown subject
Maikais pruji - Unknown subject is fallen in love with Mike
Rifai - it rains